Janmashtami Celebrations: Do’s and Don’ts According to ISKCON

Janmashtami, the birthday of Lord Krishna, is a significant festival celebrated with great devotion and enthusiasm, especially by followers of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness). This day is not just about festivities but also about spiritual growth and devotion. Here’s a simple guide on what to do and what not to do on Janmashtami according to ISKCON principles.

What to Do on Janmashtami

  1. Fasting:
    • Why? Fasting is a way to show devotion and focus on spiritual activities.
    • How? Devotees may fast until midnight, the time of Krishna’s birth. Some may choose to fast completely (nirjala), while others may opt for fruits and milk (phalahar).
  2. Chanting and Praying:
    • Why? Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra purifies the mind and brings one closer to Krishna.
    • How? Spend the day chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra: “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.” Recite prayers like the Krishna Ashtakam and other devotional songs.
  3. Reading Scriptures:
    • Why? Reading scriptures helps deepen your understanding of Krishna’s life and teachings.
    • How? Read from the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, or other scriptures related to Krishna’s life. ISKCON encourages reading about Krishna’s pastimes and discussing them with others.
  4. Decorating Temples and Homes:
    • Why? Decorating is a way to express love and devotion for Krishna.
    • How? Decorate with flowers, lights, and rangoli. Create a beautiful altar for Krishna and dress His deity in new clothes and ornaments.
  5. Participating in Kirtans:
    • Why? Kirtan, or devotional singing, is a joyful way to celebrate Krishna’s presence.
    • How? Join in Kirtans at the temple or organize one at home. Sing and dance with others to glorify Krishna.
  6. Midnight Celebration:
    • Why? Krishna is believed to have been born at midnight.
    • How? Gather with fellow devotees for an Abhishekam (bathing ceremony) of Krishna’s deity, followed by a grand offering of food (bhoga) and aarti (a devotional ritual).
  7. Offering Food:
    • Why? Offering food to Krishna is an act of devotion.
    • How? Prepare a variety of sattvic (pure and vegetarian) dishes without onion and garlic. Offer the food to Krishna before consuming it as prasadam (sanctified food).
  8. Giving Charity:
    • Why? Charity is a way to purify your wealth and share blessings with others.
    • How? Donate to temples, feed the needy, or contribute to ISKCON’s various charitable activities.

What Not to Do on Janmashtami

  1. Avoid Non-Vegetarian Food:
    • Why? Janmashtami is a day of purity, and non-vegetarian food is considered impure.
    • How? Ensure that all meals are vegetarian, avoiding meat, fish, and eggs.
  2. No Intoxication:
    • Why? Intoxicants cloud the mind and distract from spiritual activities.
    • How? Abstain from alcohol, drugs, and even caffeinated beverages on this holy day.
  3. Avoid Onion and Garlic:
    • Why? In ISKCON tradition, onion and garlic are considered rajasic (stimulating) and tamasic (dulling) and are avoided to maintain spiritual purity.
    • How? Cook meals without using onion and garlic. Instead, use spices like cumin, turmeric, and ginger for flavor.
  4. Avoid Gossip and Idle Talk:
    • Why? This day should be focused on Krishna, not on worldly matters.
    • How? Spend your time in prayer, chanting, or reading scriptures rather than engaging in unnecessary conversation.
  5. No Material Entertainment:
    • Why? Watching TV or movies can distract from the spiritual atmosphere of Janmashtami.
    • How? Replace entertainment with spiritual activities like attending temple programs, singing bhajans, or reading about Krishna’s pastimes.
  6. Don’t Overindulge in Sleep:
    • Why? Janmashtami is about staying alert and focused on Krishna.
    • How? Try to stay awake until midnight, participating in spiritual activities, and minimize sleep during the day.


Janmashtami is a day filled with devotion, joy, and spiritual significance. By following these do’s and don’ts as guided by ISKCON, you can ensure that your celebration is not only festive but also deeply meaningful. Remember, the essence of Janmashtami lies in sincere devotion, love for Krishna, and a commitment to spiritual practices.